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Everyone has that "core" group of friends that are there no matter what. Girls , guys..we all have them. You can picture who yours are as you're reading this. They are your bestfriends,the biggest headaches, and closer than most of your family. They're the ones who give you advice wanted or not. You hit the town with them, you hit the gym with them,and sometimes you just want to to hit them! The "Banter" back and forth is sometimes brutal and often mistaken as cruel by people who don't know you but to you it's more like terms of endearment and at times priceless. I'm lucky enough to have a big circle of friends and family such as this. It's one of those "If they're not riding you and calling you names then they probably don't really like you" kind of circles! My circle is huge! Huge in every way. Black,White,Native American,Italian,Irish you name it we got it and we've got every kind of cretin there is! Then one day...BAM!! We lost one of our cretins. His name was Matt and we called him "Fathead". (well some of us did, Matt had hands the size of catchers mitts so you might want to run afterwards)!! Years ago a few of the circle got together for what we called "manly movie day" which was usually an excuse for pizza , wings and beer. This days movie was none other than Blazing Saddles. One black man, two Italians and one Irish guy ... this days "Banter"...PRICELESS!! This is where Angry Mick was truly born. Matt had colorful names for just about everyone. So with Matt in mind (and Fathead in our hearts) we started the brand Angry Mick in the beginning of 2015 and never looked back! To pay homage to one of our best friends and with the blessings of his twin daughters, we created our logo with his birthday hidden in the design! And that...was just the beginning for "Angry Mick" !!



Angry Mick is for the beasts... the monsters...

the strong that thrive in a storm instead of seeking shelter.

The men and women who are up before the alarm goes off on a gym day,

while the weak stay tucked away in bed.

The lifters that chalk up and the runners that lace up.

The one in the gym that everyone whispers about.

This is a site about conquering that nemesis, that one rep max, that extra mile.

No quiting, no excuses.

Just part of a different breed of animal... a dying breed.

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